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Continue shoppingReason #1
We’re independent. We were started by a couple of buddies who met in Little League baseball, and now their kids are powered by Earth Fed Muscle.
Reason #2
Experience, expertise, and conviction. Our elite athletes are USADA and WADA tested regularly - it’s why we are so involved in the formulation of our products.
Reason #3
We care about the planet - Imagine a world where every brand cared enough to make these simple choices - not going with the lesser evils, but with the ingredients that benefit the planet the most. It’s why we’re partnered with Truly Grass Fed and Creapure, and why we use organic stevia instead of sugar in our protein.
Reason #4
It’s good for your gut. Turns out, if you don’t put trash in your stomach, you don’t end up feeling like trash! In other words, poison is poisonous, so we avoid it in our formulations.
Reason #5
Flavor. The biggest reason our customers keep coming back is the FLAVOR!