40% off

your first shipment

15% off

every recurring shipment

15% off every shipment

Free shipping over $150

Easy to manage
via text

Access to VIP promo deals

Early access to new products

Automatic delivery of your favorites

+ Earn Free Gifts!

Shipment 2 Get Free Samples of Protein Bars
Shipment 4 Get a Free Shaker Bottle
Shipment 6 Get a Free Tee Shirt

Why Become
a Subscriber?

One-Time Purchasers
15% off every order
FREE GIFTS with your 2nd, 4th, and 6th orders
Early access to new flavors and seasonals
Access to VIP
promo discounts
Free shipping over $150
The best customer support around
Auto delivery so
you never run out!

Subscriber Favorites

Highly recommend this product! There is a reason I set up a monthly subscription. I have it in my coffee every morning, and it mixes so well! I'm in it for the long haul.
— Kyle S. Customer Review
Earth Fed Muscle makes me happy. So many of these types of products can be full of questionable ingredients, but not Earth Fed. AND it still tastes delicious!
— Katie C. Customer Review
I have one complaint about these bars. They are so delicious I want to eat more than one! I brought these to my gym on my birthday and shared them with the team, everyone raved about the bars. Great flavor & texture.
— Valerie D. Customer Review
Friends with Benefits Chocolate Peanut Butter Grass Fed Whey Protein Bars


Can I add additional subscription products to my deliveries?

Yes! Tap the account link in the top right corner of the website. Enter your email address and you’ll get a login code - no need to remember a password. Once you’re logged in, confirm that your subscriptions are consolidated into the fewest shipments to get shipping discounts. Then, tap add or edit products and add what you need.

Hang on, how do I subscribe in the first place?

Good question. You can either go into the product page, tap subscribe and save, and choose your frequency, OR add the product to cart, and change to a subscription product anytime in the drawer cart.

What if I only want to add something once to my existing delivery?

Same as above - go into your account, “Edit or Add Product” , hover over the product (on desktop), or tap the product (on mobile), then select “Add one-time.”

How do I change or cancel a delivery?

Go into your account, choose the subscription you’d like to change and hit “Manage Subscription.” and you’ll be able to change the date of the next delivery AND the frequency. Also, if you’re signed up for SMS alerts, you’ll be able to pause, delay, or immediately ship the product from SMS.

Can I use discount codes on subscription orders?

When a discount code is advertised on our social media, emails, or website, the code will work on one-time orders. The exception to this is when the language explicitly says "xx% off your first subscription order." In that case, the code will work on a subscription order only, and after the first subscription order, subsequent orders will be 15% off.

Can I use rewards points on subscription orders?

Yes. Our loyalty program points can be found within the customer portal for subscribe and save customers and applied to future orders. Additionally, all rewards discounts are applicable to first-time subscription orders.

Will I be notified about my deliveries?

Yes - you’ll receive an email 3 days before the order charges. Then, one day before it charges, and a confirmation email once the order is charged. If you’ve opted into SMS notifications here, you’ll also receive a text notification 3 days ahead of time.

Build Your Subscription