Salted Caramel Dark Arts Overnight Oats

Salted Caramel Dark Arts Overnight Oats

Salty sweet is Dark Arts' calling card. These rich dessert-esque overnight oats are the perfect treat for someone with that sweets love (or craving). We even added a caramel drizzle around the outside because duh, but you can choose your own adventure on adding extra sugar or not! This recipe make 2 so you can impress a friend or your significant other...or just have 2 for yourself. The extra yogurt and chia makes these super creamy and delicious.  You might even want to double the recipe and make 4!

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Dark Arts Salted Chocolate Grass Fed Protein

Sale price $59.99 Regular price $59.99
Dark Arts Salted Chocolate Grass Fed Protein



  • Mix all ingredients except salt and caramel syrup.
  • Divide into 2 containers.
  • Top with caramel syrup and flake salt.
  • Let rest in fridge overnight or at least 3 hours to set.

Macros: 51g Protein, 64g Carbs, 7g Fat (per container, includes only topping and not caramel drizzle on sides of cup)

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